The Myth of Multi-Tasking

If you're serious about acquiring the information, tools, and systems it takes to build a true real estate business that runs without you, I can help youIt’s never too late to move from a producer to an owner, all while adding some much needed balance to your life outside of work. Click here to schedule a FREE Strategy Session with me and we'll see if it makes sense for us to work together. 

I struggle with this as much as anyone....thinking that you can get more done if you master the art of "multi-tasking"  The ability to focus on a single task and to complete it can make a huge difference in your business and personal life.  

As entrepreneurs, we tend to get distracted by "shiny objects" and lose focus on the basics.  By the grace of God, I have been able to break this awful habit (for the most part) and I've streamlined my business into 5 simple marketing pillars and 4 critical technologies.

I thought this was a good article on the topic, check it out:

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