How Jason Daniels Will Do 200 Transactions This Year While Taking 8 Weeks Off

"Lars delivers the most amazing real estate systems I've ever seen. If all he did was teach those, it would be worth it. But it goes way beyond that."

Jason Daniels ( is a real estate professions out of Colorado Springs, CO in his 12th year in the business. He started going to real estate conferences back in 2004 and got excited about the concept of building a real estate team and selling a lot of homes without working 7 days a week.

He tried a few coaching companies, hired a few buyers agents, and his production was increasing, but he still didn't feel like he had the right systems in place. Jason finally saw Lars online in summer 2013 and contacted him asking if he knew of any good real estate coaches.

Lars explained how he could help Jason reach his goal of building a team that would help him step out of day-to-day production. "I wanted to be more of a CEO, and that's what he'd done," Jason says of Lars.

"We started with the buyer side, and we really have that nailed down right now," says Jason. "It started with the accountability, the weekly trackers, and all the things he uses in his business to keep his buyer agents accountable. We totally restructured that side of the business."

Lars also helped Jason put in place an effective and manageable buyer lead management system, "It's been great," explains Jason. "It's freed me up from receiving phone calls on my cell phone or at the office. They go directly to our agents. That's the biggest thing that's helped me get my time back and focus on putting the other pieces in place."

"My goal was to go from 125 transactions last year to 200 this year, and we're going to hit it," says Jason.

The increase in production has taken place despite rebuilding his entire team from scratch. "My administrative staff, my buyers agents, pretty much everyone on my team is brand new. With Lars's help, I was able to do that and increase my production from last year."

Perhaps the most impressive result Jason has seen is from the amount of time he's been able to take off while maintaining a successful and growing team. He's been out of the office 8 weeks in 2014, allowing him to free up his weekends, travel with his family, and attend other real estate conferences without worrying about his team or having to micromanage them.

"Some coaches are all about business," Jason says, "where you're just going to have to dig in and work 80 hours a week. Lars has a good balance to his coaching. That's one of the reasons I hired him. Before I hired him I told him, 'Business is important to me but family is more important to me.' And he has the same belief system."

The coaching he'd done in the past was helpful but focused 100% on real estate. What Jason found in Lars was someone who not only delivers the systems to run a successful business, but shows you how those systems can help you achieve a balanced life. Lars's program, in Jason's opinion, is one of the few that addresses the big picture.

Part of that big picture includes having an end game. "It's about 'Where do you want to be? Where can I help you go?' I'm not going to need him for life. Lars told me, 'My goal is to coach myself out of a job with you. If you do what I teach you to do, you won't need me forever.' I really appreciated that authenticity."

Jason's long term goal is to step out of day-to-day production, to be a CEO to his business, to open more time with family, and to create other opportunities in other businesses. "It's important to me to not be a slave to the job, but to have that career and that business there if I want it. I see that Lars is helping me head in that direction."

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