What if I told you that you could sell hundreds of homes each year working 1 day per week...would you believe me?
My name is Lars Hedenborg and I’m a successful real estate agent in Charlotte, NC. My first full year in real estate was 2008...can you imagine what it was like to come into real estate just as the end of the financial world as we knew it was upon us!? I had zero sales experience but I fought hard and battled my way through that tough market.
By the end of my first full year, I sold over 70 homes earning gross commissions in excess of $500,000. And at this point in my career, I’ve sold over 1,000 homes for real estate worth in excess of $250M! I’ve built real systems in my business and this year I will sell close to $90M worth of real estate working only 1 day per week. That’s over 300 properties sold this year and I don’t have to meet with any clients!
But here’s the thing, it was a painful and costly process to figure out how to get to this point. I’ve been coached and trained by more than a dozen real estate coaches and trainers. I’ve spent over $160,000 on real estate coaching, paying as much as $4,000 per month for coaching and $25,000 for five days of on-site coaching for my team. I am grateful to all of these coaches but I didn’t get all the answers I was looking for.
While these real estate coaches and trainers all gave me pieces to the puzzle I was building, I had to go outside the real estate industry to learn how to build a real business, spending more than $200,000 on business, personal development, wealth, tax, direct response marketing and internet marketing coaching and training.
So the list of coaching and training I’ve been through continues...
I’ve been through all levels of business and personal development coaching with Tony Robbins including Date With Destiny, Life & Wealth Mastery, Business Mastery I and II as well as having one of his top business and life coaches train me personally for 3 years (I spent over $75,000 with Tony and love him for it!)
I’ve been through Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad, Poor Dad’s Wealth and Tax Strategy training with Tom Wheelright at ProVision Wealth (I paid $20,000 for 12 one-hour sessions and it was worth 10 times the investment I made!)
I’ve been coached by Entrepreneurial Guru Dan Sullivan, Founder of Strategic Coach (I pay $12,000 for 4 one-day meetings per year, this was and continues to be a life changer for me!)
I’ve gone through the very best Internet Marketing training programs (spent more than $25,000 total) including Russell Brunson, Pam Hendrickson, Mike Koenigs, Eben Pagan and Brendon Burchard (all of these opened a whole new world of how to market online and crush your competition)
I’ve been through Dan Kennedy’s Magnetic Marketing, Renegade Millionaire and Advanced Business Consulting training programs as well as being a Diamond Member of GKIC (spent more than $10,000).
In addition to the extensive coaching I've received, I also have a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from Fuqua School of Business at Duke University (costing over $100,000!). So needless to say, I’ve been coached and educated by the very best in the world, inside and outside of the real estate industry. But I realize that most agents can’t afford to spend over $400,000 and spend 6 years like I did to figure out how to build a business that serves them and their families. Through painstaking trial and error, mixing and matching, applying and testing....I figured out what works and what doesn’t. Although it wasn’t easy and was messy at times, I’ve built a business that truly serves me and my family. This year, I will take 8-10 weeks of vacation and work only 1 day per week while I’m in town.
With 2 young children (ages 3 and 5) and a wife that I love dearly, it was critical that I find a way to give up the grind of working deals 24/7. I had a single focus, a really big "Why" that drove me to do whatever it took to build a "real" real estate business. While it's not always as perfect as the picture below and sometimes it's a bit messy, my passion is my beautiful kids and amazing wife.
I did it....and you can too! Don't worry, I will show you step-by-step and hold your hand throughout the process.
Because I’ve been so blessed and achieved such an extraordinary level of success, I’ve decided to help other agents achieve the same level of success I have, and open their minds to the idea of becoming a team leader or business owner rather than going from deal to deal, working evenings and weekends and not taking as much time off as you deserve and neglecting your family in the process.
So I developed step by step training systems that teach top producing agents and team leaders the exact same mindsets, systems, tools and strategies I’ve implemented in my business to go from rookie agent with no sales experience whatsoever...to really busy top producing agent...to an inspiring team leader...to a real business owner now working only 1 day per week making more money than I ever could have imagined.
And the cool thing is, all of my clients know me and get world class service delivered by me...but I don’t ever meet with them or have to deal with all of the drama that goes along with helping buyers and sellers.
It’s a good life for sure...
Having spent 8 years working in Acquisitions & Strategy for an Aerospace company and traveling the world conducting extensive due diligence in the areas of operations, sales, marketing, finance, technology and legal, I have a very unique skill set in terms of being able to identify areas of weakness and opportunities for rapid improvement in companies I worked with.
I can do the same for you...
If you’re bursting at the seams, always on your phone, checking email 24/7, missing family events or your children’s school activities, or just want more time to pursue your true passions or hobbies, then you must take action and find a different way to live your life.
The basis of my Consulting Services and Inner Circle coaching are the 4 Core Building Blocks of The Ultimate Business Blueprint for Real Estate Agents. In each of these core building blocks, I give you the same exact tools and systems and teach you step-by-step how to install them into your business.
For more information on any of my products or services, email me at Lars@LarsHedenborg.com or call 704-980-7585.
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