How Lars Helped Scott Ewell Take His Business to the Next Level

“We realized we couldn’t get to where we want without learning how to be leaders, how to track things, and invest in our people.”

Scott Ewell is an agent out of Austin, Texas who found Lars through a Real Geeks video and contacted him through there. He’s been coaching with Lars for less than a year, but has been unknowingly building his business similarly over the last few years.

Scott Ewell
(Austin, TX)
“We spent our first four years building a lot of the same things Lars was doing, without knowing who he was. When we saw what he had done and what he had built, we knew it was going to exponentially grow what we were already trying to do. Some of that tracking stuff and leadership development isn’t easy to grasp onto.”  

Scott’s previous coach taught him how to sell. However, the same coach offered little business guidance. According to Scott, this is a key reason he decided to switch to coaching with Lars.

“We realized we couldn’t get to where we want without learning how to be leaders, how to track things, and invest in our people.”

One of the most valuable things Scott has learned from Lars is how to be a leader. His preconceived notions about leadership have changed.

“I always thought you grew up and either had leadership or you didn’t. But the ability to become a better leader by being around the people who are leaders and surrounding yourself with people you want to become.”

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