Jason Secor's Keys to Mastering the Buyer Side

If you're serious about acquiring the information, tools, and systems it takes to build a true real estate business that runs without you, I can help youIt’s never too late to move from a producer to an owner, all while adding some much needed balance to your life outside of work. Click here to schedule a FREE Strategy Session with me and we'll see if it makes sense for us to work together. 

Before reading the book Rich Dad Poor Dad, Jason Secor told himself he'd never get into business. He was happy pursuing church work and ministry, but after reading the Robert Kiyosaki's book, things changed. He became incredibly motivated to build a business - one that didn't enslave him so he could build the life he wanted with his wife and kids.

Jason has done an awesome job focusing on the Maximum Advantage Buyer System, the #1 Core Building Block for my Ultimiate Business Blueprint for Real Estate Agents. He built the buyer side using the same system I did: 1) Generate massive amounts of buyer leads. 2) Convert leads to face-to-face appointments 3) Get them to be loyal to you. 4) Sell them a house. It really is that simple and I wanted to interview Jason about how predictably successful this side of your business can be if it's built the right way.

You'll learn how Jason has evolved from chasing shiny objects and different buyer platforms to a creating a self-sufficient pillar that now serves as the foundation of his business.  From offshoring to lead generation, management, and conversion, listen as Jason reveals his keys to mastering the #1 Core Building Block.

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