Welcome New Client Christine Norcross

Christine, how did you hear about Lars?

I saw him a few years ago. It's funny, I was just looking at something online where I took some notes back in 2009. So I've just been following him for a few years. You always follow people are successful to see what they're doing, then you learn from them.

What ultimately motivated you to reach out when you did?

Christine Norcross
(Wellesley, MA)
I think it's a matter of timing, just trying to take my business to the next level. Working with someone who's in the business and understands the different challenges and is current on the different tools to help us be successful would add a lot of value to my business.

Summarize where your at with that business. What does your team look like, and how is it structured?

I have a team of five - four agents and one staff person. So two listing agents and two buyers agents, and our full-time admin person does MLS, all the data input, and doing all the marketing. This past year we'll do about 45 transactions, but my marketplace is about $1 million. I'd like to take my total transactions up to about 100.

What are the main focal points you're hoping Lars can address in your business?

I want to get focused on a couple things. One is the structure of how to build a team. I want to put in place the different processes of bringing new agents on. Also how to look at the finances and knowing exactly where to spend your money and where not to spend your money. I want to make it a cash business versus potentially a credit card funded type business. I do track my business now, and part of one of his tracking tools he uses I've actually used in the past. So I think he can help do a better job of tracking that. And also lead generation.

Do you have a specific vision of what success with Lars would look like over the next few years?

I'd like to work myself out of a job. I'd like to get to the point where I can be the sales manager and help other people be successful who are coming up in the business. Being able to teach them how to sell, do listings, handle buyers. My vision would be to have a team that's given the tools to deliver, and we're all enjoying the business.

Have you done any real estate coaching in the past?

I have. I've done a lot of it. I've been coaching for 8 years.

What's drawn you to Lars, how do you view him as different?

I think the key thing that I've found with a lot of coaching is it's usually people who have left the business. They're not current with what's going on with the business, and things change. The coaching I've had I've learned a lot and I've been ready for it, but it's kind of like when you get ready for that next part of your life. When you're ready, the right person comes along who can get your there. That's what I feel like with him. I see a lot of the tools he uses and the processes, and that's where I want to be so it makes my life easier.

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