Be Cautious When it Comes to Relying on Social Media

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While Facebook and Twitter are increasing in mainstream popularity for everything from news, celebrity gossip, to a tool for retail sales, one needs to be cautious when considering these resources as a replacement for direct response marketing in the real estate arena. While it’s certainly possible to create a ‘buzz’ about your agency, agents, and properties utilizing social media, there is a downside to these services when it comes to developing a profitable and enduring client base.

Posting or Tweeting cannot yet replace the benefits inherent in direct response marketing.The brevity required by both platforms is not ideally suited to establishing the type of relationship required in the high-trust, high-dollar real estate market. Social media is reliant upon brief, rather impersonal interactions which rarely get your complete message across to the potential client.  Tweets are short, truncated teasers that are hit-and-miss in terms of response success rates. Facebook posts can be more in-depth in their content, but knowing just when and where to place such posts can be a daunting and frustrating undertaking.  Are you posting in the right groups? Do you have time to delve into the demographics and interest level of that particular Facebook group to assure it meets your objectives? Or are you flailing about trying to narrow a suitable client pool? Not to mention the fact that social media can be a real time-suck when it comes to remaining active in a Facebook group or groups, or tagging the right prospective customers through Twitter. This same time is often better spent through other marketing channels and network efforts.

While technology continues to provide alternative sources for marketing, sometimes the tried-and-true principles involving direct marketing response are a better option for a higher return on investment for your business and more productive use of your time. Through direct marketing you are able to readily provide potential buyers and sellers with details about the services you offer, including demonstrating your proven track record, offering customized solutions to specific situations, and establishing a more personal level of rapport. You have a more flexible and intimate ability to sell your advantages through direct marketing than through brief Tweets or Facebook blasts. Success is all about establishing a comfort level based upon personalized service offerings.

So while supplementing your marketing efforts with social media may initially appeal to you, be careful not to get caught up in the trend without closely monitoring the return value. It is very easy to fall into the trap of quick posts or Tweets, while ignoring the long-term vision of your business and the invaluable return on your time investment. Following the four core building blocks can help up your sales, expand your business, and free you from tasks with a low return on investment.  New and trendy isn’t always better when it comes to maximizing your business’s potential. 

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