HIGH PERFORMANCE COACHING CALL: Defining Your Life's Purpose in a Singular Statement


Defining our life's purpose in a singular statement. This is something that's really, really cool. I did it myself, but I'm gonna go through it, because I want everyone to do it. This is that hokey stuff that 1% of the population will do, and they'll be the 1% of the population that is just owning their life because it's a life they designed. They're intentional, they're purposeful, and they're aware and present.

Make Time for This

I cannot encourage everyone enough - I'm praying, I'm doing here bowing my head that everyone will take this worksheet and make something of it. I'm going to go through it with you. Every one of these sessions is a 30 to 60 minute cup of coffee in a Starbucks. Much of this stuff is really profound.

I'd probably block out 2 or 3 or 4 hours and knock out a bunch of these sessions. But let's get through this here.

We're talking about a singular statement that sharpens your focus and reminds you of what's important. The challenge is you can have different purposes in different parts of your life (you might have one in your relationship and another in your career) and in different times in your life. Perhaps your purpose, too, has changed or become more defined since working with your coach, with me. 

Unfortunately, too many people also obsess about their overall life's purpose and simply don't realize living each day with purpose and meaning is the ultimate goal regardless of if you're clear on an overall life plan and purpose.

Defining Your Purpose

There's a few things to consider here. The statement has to be as much about being as doing. For example, Brendon, the founder of High Performance Academy, has "be fully alive and vibrant" as part of his purpose statement, which has nothing to do with a career or goal-oriented objective.

So he can be fully alive and vibrant at a party. He can be fully alive and vibrant in his business. With his team, he can be fully alive and vibrant when he records his training videos. He can be fully alive and vibrant with his spouse. So that applies to every area of his life.

The things I'd like my purpose statement to remind me to be include...

Mine was "boldy enthusiastic, spirited, dynamic, engaged, fearless, bold, present, vitality, fully alive, joyful." Those are some of the words I wrote down.

The statement can have "to do" items that aren't career focused. Brendon's includes, "to adore and appreciate my loved ones," which again is not something that is not career related. Even in addressing career or ambitions, Brendon's "to do" item is to "strengthen and share my gifts," another broad statement. Though everyone tells you to be super specific about what you want,  (which is great in goal-setting), purpose statements that are more broad in scope help us focus on what's really important in a variety of contexts.

The things I'd like my purpose statement to remind me to do include...

I put "bring joy, respect, honor, fully enjoy family and friends, strengthen and share my gifts, honor God."

So what would you like your purpose statement to remind you to do?

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