HIGH PERFORMANCE COACHING CALL: How to Enlist and Inspire Others in All Areas of Your Life


Our goal this session is to gauge how persuasive and influential you've felt in your relationships and career. This is one thing more-so for me looking back over what I've achieved.

The ability that I've had to enlist and inspire others to help build out the business I have to day has been critically important. So your ability, at the very basic level, to join your team, right? Even more basic than that, your ability to persuade your clients to take action to get their home priced right to start, or if they mispriced it to price it right, to get a price reduction.

So persuasion - with your spouse, with your children. I don't even have children that are at the age where they can really make bad, bad choices. But if you've got 10, 11, 12, 14, 15 year olds, the stuff they can get into - your ability to persuade them without alienation them I can't even imagine what that's like.

What's Been Working?

So let's check out persuasion here and how it's affecting your performance. Is there an area of your personal or professional life that you are trying to persuade someone to change? How has it been working for you? What's been working and what doesn't seem to be working? Who can give an example of someone personally and professionally you're trying to persuade to change and how it's been working?

I find that with my spouse, she's not really great at change, so the earlier I dorp int he seed. Same thing with my sister. If I see a vision, I'm pretty good at getting people to take action and persuade people. If it sounds a little negative, I don't mean it in a negative way.

Persuading and inspiring agents to follow up timely with leads? Yeah, that's a basic fundamental of success. Answer yard sign calls and follow up with internet inquiries quickly. I find that with buyer agents, having them attribute pain or pleasure.

Discovering the "Why?"

The more time you spend figuring out their 'why', I've found that was the gamechanger for our team. When our team started taking an interest in the deep personal 'why' of our agents, and being able to hit those buttons. And they're different buttons for each person.

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