REAL ESTATE B-SCHOOL HIGHLIGHT: How to Use Personality Profiles to Strengthen Your Leadership Skills


I want to spend a little bit of time on the DISC test, because it is how we work. It serves two purposes for our team: For recruiting, we need to know what personality types we're looking for, and internally, how our different personality types interact. So staff and sales, and you as a leader. If you're off-the-charts "D", and you're working with "S" and "C" personalities for your admin, and you're trying to train them - that's gonna be a colossal failure unless you realize how you need to interact with that personality and really serve them.

What is DISC and How to Use It

So what is DISC and how do we use it. DISC is a personal assessment tool used to improve work productivity, teamwork, and communication. It's non-judgmental and helps people discuss their behavioral differences.

We actually all took that Tony Robbins DISC test, and we all reviewed it as a team and went through a series of exercises around our personality profiles at a team off-site that we had last summer. That's a real cool exercise for you to give everyone on your team. Say, "Okay, by next team meeting I want you to all fill out this DISC test and we're gonna go through it as a team." It's a very, very fun exercise.

You complete a series of questions that produce a detailed report about your personality and behavior. It provides a common language that people can use to better understand themselves and to adapt their behaviors with others.

That is super important for you as leader to understand the personality types of people on the team and people you're bringing onto your team. This can work within a team, a sales relationship, a leadership position, or other relationships. It helps you and your team increase your self-knowledge: how you respond to conflict, what motivates you, what causes you stress, and how you solve problems.

Minimizing Conflict

It facilitates better teamwork and minimizes team conflict. You'll develop stronger sales skills by identifying and responding to customer styles. I believe in your Dropbox you have a training on DISC. For agents, this is obviously a great recruiting tool for you to know the DISC of people that  are coming on your team and what you're looking for.

But also your agents should be trained on this as part of interacting with their clients. So if you have an "I" personality selling to a "C" personality, the "C" personality wants data, and the "I" personality just wants to talk and chat. They're gonna be at odds. Same thing with an "I" selling to a "D". A "D" doesn't have patience for "I's" for the most part. They kind of drive them crazy. So the "I" needs to be aware of their environment and not sell to that person the way that they would want to be sold to. They need to sell in a way that gets the outcome that they want. And to persuade them to do business with them, and list their home at the right price, or become a buyer client.

It helps you manage more effectively by understanding the dispositions and priorities of employees and team members - super important as a leader. And you become more self-knowledgable, well-rounded, and effective leaders. All those are reasons you want to understand DISC better.

The 4 Personality Types

Let me quickly run through what each of these personality types stand for. This is just one version of it.

D - Domincance: Person places emphasis on accomplishing results, the bottom line, confidence. Their behaviors: They see the big picture, can be blunt, they accept challenges, they get straight to the point.

I - Influence: Person places emphasis on influencing or persuading others, openness, relationships. Behaviors: Show enthusiasm, optimism, likes to collaborate, dislikes being ignored.

S - Steadiness: Person places emphasis on cooperation, sincerity, dependability. Behaviors: Doesn't like to be rushed, calm manner, calm approach, supportive actions, humility.

C - Conscientiousness: Person places emphasis on quality and accuracy, expertise, competency. Behaviors: Enjoys independence, objective reasoning, wants the details, fears being wrong.

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