How to Capture the Best Recruits with the Least Amount of Push-Back


When you begin to have conversations with agents, or even before you begin them, you need to show them what your value proposition is. Everything you have access to in Real Estate Business School, these are the same tools and the same systems that we show potential recruits when we meet with them.

When and How You Should Recruit

The number one requirement is that you have to be swimming in leads and opportunities. If you're not selling 30 or 40 homes by yourself, you probably shouldn't be recruiting. I didn't recruit my first buyer agent until the end of 2009, and I had started my business in 2008. My first recruit came when I had sold almost 60 homes. 

You really want to show them how you do real estate by showing them your team structure, marketing pillars, critical technologies, and your team vision. You need to explain how you get your leads, how you do yard signs, farming, Internet marketing, etc. You want to explain absolutely everything to them about your business.

If you don't have a full team, you have to talk about the vision for your team. Tell them your plan for building the team, and show them how it will work within your business. Ideally you will have this conversation set in your mind before you meet with buyer's agents. Show them your buyer presentations and seller presentations.

You'll want to run them through your tools like your buyer appointment tracker, your buyer/client pipeline report, your weekly success tracker, and any other tools you have. All the tools that you have access to are what I'm showing to my prospects. If you're just scaling your team and starting to recruit, this is a super effective platform to build your business on. Your agents will all have the same level of productivity if you follow these systems we're teaching.

Run through your policies and procedures with your recruits, including your Position Agreement and your Lead Management Policy. This is a lot more than most teams have, and this will prove to people that you are 'legit'. 

Again, just remember how many tools you have that you can show your recruit and give them access to. This is a huge value proposition, so don't underestimate all of that. By spelling out this value proposition, you get way less push-back on the commission structure, so it's important that you have this planned and ready to go when speaking with a recruit. 

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