Marketing Strategies You Know About, But Need to Implement in Your Business


I'm going to breeze through this because I hope that most of you already realize but just aren't implementing these tools in your business. From a marketing standpoint, this is one of those things where it's a very, very high dollar producing activity. 

Your ability to put some effort into mining for expired listings to bring in quality leads, whether it's with postcards or letters or scripting, is a good use of your time. This includes doing your Vyral Marketing videos, which I'm a big fan of, and direct response marketing. I've found that it's easier to get people to work with you on the buyer side after you've finished direct response and have moved to your branded advertising.

I think most of you know what IDX is, a website that has consistent lead generation going on. Also, if you haven't been using the three yard signs because of a city ordinance or other issue, there are some good threads on Facebook that can be helpful. These will double your sign calls if you use the three signs, so I highly recommend it.

Seller lead generation here is focused on expired listings and FSBO listings, as well as radio and direct mail. We get a lot of past clients, and a lot from our buyer Internet leads, and our yard marketing as well. The main focus has been on direct mail and radio.

Except for my first year in business, I've always mailed to people who've liked and trusted me and wanted to hear from me. For those of you that don't have a raving fan club, it's probably because it seems like a monumental effort to get a database put together, but that is a huge cash cow in your business that you're not tapping right now. 

So I've spoken about most of the Key Marketing Pillars: Buyer internet lead generation, yard marketing, expired and FSBOs (direct mail only), raving fan club, Go For No!, radio through RATE, and then geographic farming, which you need to be very careful with. There are some members in B-School who have gotten it to work, but my first crack at it was not successful.

It might be that my market is different and it's not town-based, it's area-based, so it's hard to pinpoint small subdivisions. I haven't given it up, and I'm testing something else right now, which hopefully I can report back on soon.

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