How Kodi Riddle Doubled Production By Implementing Lars' Business Blueprint

“When he calls it a blueprint, that’s exactly what it is. It’s a step-by-step of exactly what you need to do to grow your business. It’s just implementation and moving forward. I trust him completely.”

Kodi Riddle (Scottsdale, AZ) has been in the real estate business for 16 total years. After years of successful production, the market crash made Kodi rethink her sales strategy.
Kodi Riddle
(Scottsdale, AZ)

“It was easy to sell real estate at first, but when the market crashed it was either sink or swim. I had to figure out how to sell real estate again.”  

Kodi soon picked up momentum and got her business back on track. But the constant hours just to make ends meet became overwhelming. That’s when she reached out to Lars, in June of 2014.

“When he calls it a blueprint, that’s exactly what it is. It’s a step-by-step of exactly what you need to do to grow your business.”

By carefully and dutifully implementing Lars’ coaching resources, Kodi has been able to enlist her husband and expand their real estate team.

“We’ve hired two buyers agents and one assistant. It’s hard work, but with the help of Lars and his blueprint, I’m not making [the same] mistakes. It’s just implementation and moving forward. I trust him completely.”

But it took a while to gain that trust, as there are multiple business coaching options on the market.

“I’ve read a million books and implemented so many different things, but nothing was ever as comprehensive as Lars’ business blueprint.”

As of this writing, Kodi’s team has had more production in the last 6 months than the entire year of 2014, which puts them right in line with their goal to double production in 2015.

“This year, I have direction, I have a plan, I have a team, and that’s all because of Lars Hedenborg. If you have the drive and the heart and want to make something happen, I’d highly suggest you give this a go.”

Kodi admits it hasn’t been easy, but with the right energy and gumption, she assures that any agent can benefit from Lars’ coaching program.

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