When it comes to listing appointments, once the seller has said yes, go right into the paperwork. The paperwork should be standardized and you or your listing specialist should get the minimum amount of paperwork signed, and leave the rest.
We have our paperwork set up as a folder with two spots to put paperwork in, and the middle section is loose, it's our listing agreement and listing addendum. That's the only thing we require our listing agents to sign.
I got the addendum from Jay Kinder, and it includes our pricing strategy and to be able to put names there is important. This is a very cool document.
If you give up commission, make sure you fill out the commission reduction agreement so you don't lose any business.
We also have our new listing intake form, which you can basically swipe and deploy. These are checklists for our listing specialists and these are instructions for photo shoots, basics home warranty, pre-inspection, and others.
This form here, the addendum to listing agreement, and your state listing agreement, those are the only things our listing specialist fills out at the home. We don't do staging or anything like that.
We keep it pretty simple in there, and the listing agent just has to come back with the signed listing agreement, signed addendum, and new listing intake form. Most of you have different way to value properties, we have included a copy of our equity evaluation, which also includes our market absorption analysis.
We value homes in 4 different ways:
- An internet estimate analysis,
- A square footage analysis,
- A tax analysis, and
- Comps.
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