Welcome New Client John Salkowski

How did you first hear about Lars?
I've known Lars from a previous coaching program, and happened to notice him on one of his Google Hangouts. 

Where is your business at right now?
I've treated my business like a hobby pretty much; I've been licensed since 2007, and now I've been selling 25 homes per year accidentally. Just this year I'm going to sell 60 homes just by instituting a few different business strategies. I know that Lars can take me to 200-400 homes in the next couple years with his systems.

Why did you decide to reach out when you did?
I want to be a business owner, not a real estate agent with a glorified job.

Why did you feel Lars was the best option for you?
Proven systems, it's the only thing I can say.

What does success with this program look like to you?
To implement the systems that Lars has successfully over the years. My production goal is to do 120 deals in 2016. I've done 60 deals myself this year with some help, and I think I can do 120 deals by 2016. In 2017, I'd like to double that, and be able to step out of my business by the end of 2017 or beginning of 2018.

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