Don't Waste Money By Attracting the Wrong Leads
The 4 objectives of your lead generation message:
Number one, attract the attention of people in your target market. Draw and hold attention with message points relevant to their needs and desires. So again, anytime I say target market, it's not this broad Charlotte buyers or Charlotte sellers. It could even be Lake Norman first time buyers are different than South Carolina first-time buyers.
Number two, create the right impressions. Your message should satisfy enough purchase-decision needs to motivate the customer to respond.
Number three, provide a convenient way for the customer to respond. Your message must always provide a convenient means of response.
Number four, qualify your leads. You can also eliminate non-customers through your lead generation message rather than using your salespeople to do it. If you don't want to work with first-time buyers, it's good to know that and craft your messaging around repelling them.
In terms of creating a magnetic message, review what you already know about your target market. Review USP's, position statement, psychographic profile, gratification, and purchase preferences.
Next you have to develop the content of your message, including an attention getter, information/facts, your promise, and a call to action/way to respond. Develop the creative elements of your message. Any images/specific mental pictures you want to create.
Even if all you do is create three sub-pages on your platform that are different. Test, track and quantify. I'm trying to work in a lot of stuff into the 2.0 version of Business Tracker. It's not going to completely dial this in, but it's going to have more tracking for lead generation sources so you can get clarity. Especially to be able to track referrals and the conversion rates there vs. generating 500 Boomtown leads a month and getting only 5 to close.
If you don't get their attention, they won't ever reach the heart of your message. These are the headlines, any images/sensory elements that grab their attention visually. The bulk of the information of the message, the general rule is less is more, just enough to pique interest and answer the key questions a potential customer might ask
A first-time buyer is going to have different information than someone in a 2nd-home market. Persuasion is where you inject the subjective, emotional element, adding meaning and significance to the information just presented. Don't forget to tell them. Does it drive everyone crazy when you're driving down the road and see a big billboard with no call-to-action whatsoever? We aren't going to be that. Everything we do is very deliberate, and it's all track-able. You have to tell people what to do, very specifically. They need to be led to what to do, and people will listen to you.
Be careful to eliminate any perceived risk (real or imagined). When I put this slide together, I felt very convicted. With some of the marketing that's done in and around Guaranteed Sale.
What might your message convey that customers perceive as risky? Not credible- advertising with too much "hype" or "doesn't sound right". A message that doesn't fit, it's too high/low class. Too expensive, the though that I can't afford it. Not reliable, it might not do what I need it to do. In other words, risk is whatever makes the customer uncomfortable with your product, your business, your people.
The goal is to help your prospective customer feel so comfortable with your offer that resistance melts away.
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