High-Energy Team Meetings Produce Top Tier Results

Kyle Kirchhoff works at The Lars Group in a senior leadership role where he is responsible for recruiting, training, coaching and mentoring our buyer agent team. His unique abilities are in ground-level sales management and coaching leaders to play their best game.


Tuesday is Team Advance day because we do not retreat, we advance. This is setting up a clear expectation on what our team buyer meetings are like. I like to let people know what's coming up so we don't waste any time. Sometimes I'll even invite prospective agents to these meetings so that they can get a good feel for what they can expect. It lets them see our rhythm, flow, and structure.

We're really excited about the rhythm of our meetings heading into 2016, and this is because we've implemented a good tracking system, so there's always something to talk about in a meeting because we have all the available data.

Our meetings are very training-focused and we want to bring real-world problems to light. We also like everyone to participate, and we do this by offering prizes for various accomplishments. We're currently having a contest to reward the employee with the highest answer rate. We also have a contest for who is completing the most appointments from opportunity time. We like to keep the environment competitive, but positive as well.

We also have a large team meeting with the whole company. We'll share our raving fan reviews, we drop rocks, look at our leaderboard, we celebrate a bit, and generally reward people for good work they've done. We like to keep it high-energy and we like to get as many people involved as possible. We feel like we can get more bang for our buck by planning team meetings in this way. These meetings are not optional, either.

Lastly, it's very important to prepare for these meetings. You don't want to come out flat or disorganized. That will disengage people immediately. You have to put in some effort to planning these meetings, because if you do them right, it should inspire your team to work harder for you. This is your opportunity to show them that you care.

Get creative with your presentation and your content. You need to remember that your employees could be out conducting business during this time, so these meetings need to bring them an immense amount of value. You need to be able to justify why you're taking them away from their jobs for this period of time. Everyone should learn something during these meetings. That's the hard part.

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