Use Your Brand to Emulate an Experience that Customers Want


You probably don't spend a lot of time thinking about your brand. However, your brand commitment describes the feeling and experience you want your customer to have in every interaction with your business. Without a promise to base the experience on, it ends up being random. This will also help to shape your culture.

Your brand committment creates customer loyalty, and will provide the why to the way you do business. Try not to overcomplicate it at all. The question you need to answer is: what does it take to become the kind of business that people talk about so enthusiastically that they can't help but want to do business with you? The answer is an experience. You have to commit to describing the felt experience and how it will integrate throughout every touch point with the customer.

If you want your customers to feel cared for, then make sure that everyone on your team understands that this is a part of your business. Some of my clients have told me that they felt like a number and not a customer, and that's because my agents treated them that way.

Everything you do in business must support your customers having a good experience. This comes down to who you hire, how you answer the phone, or even how you show homes. Customers want to do business with real people.

Your brand commitment gets real and describes the actual feeling you want your business to help your customers feel. Your brand commitment is not your mission statement! This is a very action-oriented thing. A mission is more about where your brand is headed.

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