Create a Purpose Statement to Guide Your Life and Business


This is going to be a very heady section, but the clarity that comes along with this on how to make a mark in the business world is very important. This is a ‘let’s go through it here and grab some time at a coffee shop to dig into this later’, but I’ll only spend about ten minutes talking about it here.

You have to define your life’s purpose. Different parts of your life will have different purposes, such as relationships and your career. Too many people obsess about the purpose of their life and don’t live any single day with purpose. Having a singular statement of purpose can sharpen your focus and remind you of what is important. Once you have a purpose statement I encourage you to share it with others. 

This statement can be as much about being as it can be about doing. ‘Be fully alive and vibrant’ could be your goal, and that doesn’t have anything to do with a career objective. Jot down some things you could be: bold, energetic, enthusiastic, excited, cautious, etc. This is an important part of your purpose. 

Although everyone tells you to be specific when setting goals, purpose statements that are more broad will often work better. I’ve done this exercise twice, and I have modeled a lot of my statements after Brendon Burchard’s. He has some really good stuff here, like: strengthen and share my gifts. Ideally, your purpose statement should be how you want to show up in the world.

The statement might also explain why you want to do this. “I want to strengthen and share my gifts so that I might inspire others to live more fully, love more openly, and make a greater difference today.” What is your reason for living the way that you do?

Brendon’s full purpose statement is this:
“The purpose of my life is to be fully alive and vibrant, to adore and appreciate my loved ones, and to strengthen and share my gifts so that I might inspire others to live more fully, love more openly, and make a greater difference today.”
I imagine that some of you might be blowing this off a little bit, but I hope you don’t do that. This is extremely powerful stuff. If you have a constant reminder like Brendon’s, I think you would live your life differently. When you have a reminder to live like this, it changes the way you see things and the way that you operate on a daily basis.

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