How to Cultivate More Business from Your Sphere of Influence


This is a little warm-up thought, and let’s talk about sphere of influence. We’ve been trying to cultivate a higher percentage of business through our sphere of influence. You need a balance between company-generated business and agent-generated business. This is a delicate balance and you don’t want to tip the seesaw too far in either direction. More often than not, I find that teams are dependent on the company for leads.

When you’re working with your buyer agents and you’re evaluating an individual's sphere of influence, create a targeted list of fifty people that they want to reach. We put the list in Boomtown under our pending section and that’s where we house the top 50 people. We deem these people as a group that wants us to win. 

As team leaders, we have to take initiative to stay in contact with these people. When it’s in the CRM and we can track and see our activity around our top 50, this will drive positive behavior. This way the goal of expanding your SOI is more tangible and physical. You can see your progress. Tell your agents to reach out and ask for help from these people. These are people that want to help you, so I encourage you to go for no.

If you can dial down your SOI into a smaller group of fifty people, then reaching out to them becomes easier and your goal will also seem more manageable. 

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