Inside the Mind of a Micromanager


Who scored more than 70% on micromanagement? Not too many, three or fout. Strengths of a micromanager are passion and drive, intensity of care, precision, and high standards. They are the only person that can do it right.

Their distorted beliefs are in the time it takes to train and "I can do it myself". That's a surefire way to be doing that thing forever. "My people are incompetent, no one cares like I do."

The questions to consider: what are the things that only you can do? Even if you don't have a staff and someone who caters to implementing your systems, think about what are the things you can only do.

For my real estate business, I've actually stepped down into a true visionary. Not because it sounds cool, but I'm just way out there. I've got to act more like a CEO now, so I'm in that role. As a visionary, it's just casting the future, we are doing some core value stuff, holding quarterly meetings, doing weekly leadership meetings, and I'm stepping into the sales meetings.

I should be doing more content creation in my real estate business, so that's part of it too. Marketing, too. We are hiring a full-time marketing manager for my real estate company. I really do like marketing, I have a passion for marketing. Do you have perfectionist tendencies? Does team have authority to take responsibility?

The key transformations include realizing that "Good enough is good enough." There's a difference between that and mediocre. It's that last 10%. Mediocre is 50%. When you get to 80% is when you should ship it, be done with it. Also, the difference between management and control, and understanding the value of training. As entrepreneurs, we are the worst trainers. We just have no patience for training.

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