REAL ESTATE B-SCHOOL HIGHLIGHT: How to Position Yourself to Seller Prospects


So let's get into listing lead conversion. Let me go through some mindset tips and strategies here first. Most of the marketing that I do is branded so the leads are coming in through branded direct response sources. They're either picking up the phone and calling us or going to this brand new website.

They're going to this site here, so there's no question that there's an agent behind here. I'm bragging on what we do and the successes we have. There's videos, there's endorsements; it's a highly branded approach.

Handling Objections

You handle those leads differently than you handle "cold calling leads," and I'll cover that separately. You need to be able to handle basic objections with your USPs. So you need to be able to talk about your cancellation guarantee; you should have one.

Your buyer database - you have an active database of buyers. At this point we have thousands of buyers searching on our different portals in the last 60-90 days or so. There are literally over 3,000-4,000 buyers that are on our websites.

If you have a team, you need to talk about your team approach and how it's different and then ultimately just go to the results. Somebody's going to push you. Most people, when they call in on branded sources, are not going to push back a whole lot.

So no matter how hot or cold the market, you have to bring some doubt into the mind of the seller prospect (i.e. "If you don't use us..."). Because they think we're all the same, you need to plant the seed in their head that bad things will happen ("You'll get less money, it will be a pain in the ass, you'll find an agent that will screw things up and really get you in a bad situation, and your house will take longer to sell").

Always Ask This Question

Always ask the question when you're getting off the phone, "Mr. Seller, if you love our marketing plan, our approach, etc. and we agree on a pricing strategy and commission structure, will you be ready to move forward and get your house on the market?" You don't care what the answer is necessarily. You just want them to say, "Well, yeah I guess we would be ready to go. If you just blew our socks off, I think we would be ready to go and get the house on the market."

Then you know it's game on. So you're going in to list that property; you want to get it priced right. If they say "No, we're going to meet with 17 agents behind you and you're the first," it's good to know that you're up against 17 agents. When they say something like that, we are scripted to ask, "If you don't mind me asking, which other agents are you talking to?" Because there are a few agents where I know exactly what they do and we can position the appointment properly.

But you have to ask that question every time: "Mr. Seller, if you love our marketing plan, our approach, etc. and we agree on a pricing strategy and commission, will you be ready to move forward and get your house on the market?"

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