9 Words to Guide Yourself, Your Relationships, and Your Success


Today's topic is a very important one: The Clarity Chart. I recommend printing it and physically filling it out, as I've found this exercise very helpful in my own business.

What we focus on and practice is what we become. After you've completed this worksheet, keep it next to your computer or workspace to continually remind yourself of these things every day of your life.

Consider putting your 3 words in each category below as an alarm to appear on your phone multiple times a day, or set up some other system or habit where you continually refer to this sheet and remind yourself about who to be, how to interact with others, and what will make you successful in life. A life of intentionality is a life well lived. 

Let's go through the three categories one at a time:

SELF: Write three words that will now define the best of who you are and that will be used to guide your personal life, including your thoughts and actions. Then, explain the reason you chose each word and why it is important to you.

INTERACTIONS: Write three words that will now define and guide how you will engage and treat others whom you meet in life, including your loved ones and others. My three are "Loving," "Present," and "Giving." Write your three words and explain your reason for choosing each one.

SUCCESS MAKERS: Write three words that will now remind you of what it is that made you the most successful and will make you even more successful in the future. For my words, I chose "Hardworking," "Disciplined," and "Fearless." Again, go through and give your reason for choosing each word.

The final part of this exercise is called SOMETHING WORTH FIGHTING FOR. The is the big WHY in your life right now, something that is driving you that is worth your struggle and journey, something that is bigger than just you, something that you are willing to fight for (or die for, or love for) is [your answer]. Then, identify the reason that it's important to you! 

With this final step, you have completed an exercise that will help get you in the right mindset to grow your business to where you've always wanted it to be.

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