Should I Hire an Inside Sales Agent?


I've started working with teams that had 6 inside sales people. It's not that I don't think ISA's are good; they are just difficult to find, hard to train, and I see a lot of agents that were never phone warriors who are hiring an ISA in the Philippines. The chances of you getting that to work when you don't own that skill set yourself, it's very, very, very, very, very, very low. I won't tell you it won't work, but unless you are a phone animal yourself, it's going to be difficult. It's hard enough to train a local ISA.

"Phone animal" is a term I'm using from Tim Heyl. He runs a call center of like 75 inside sales people. He spent four hours a day prospecting, and cold calling every day. That's how he built his team. Unless you have that in your DNA, it will be tough to hire someone to do it.

You definitely want to leverage yourself completely before you hire someone to make your calls. Your buyer agents are your ISA's and your ability to structure their day around being on the phone is essential. I know a lot of you are struggling with listing inventory, but you've got to use direct response methods to get listings.

Go back to January 2014, pull up all the expired listings, and write them a note. Say, "I've got a buyer for your home." Yes, they are going to call and they are going to be pissed off, but figure out how to deal with that pissed off call before you hire someone in the Philippines to call for you.

I believe that you shouldn't hire a Buyer ISA when you have 3-4 highly productive agents. It's when you've got 3-4 people that are bought in, selling 2-3 homes per month. When you've got 10 sales coming in consistently from other agents in addition to your own production, that's when you should be thinking about an inside sales person. You've got to have accountability in place for your buyer agents, daily activities, and weekly tracking.

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