This Team Building Idea Will Energize Your Business


Today I want to show you something really cool that a friend is doing with his team.

With our 2016 resolutions and goals, I’ve decided to do a fitness challenge with my team. There are two parts. One is exercise -- if you’re logging 30 minutes of exercise a day, you get a check for that day. You add up your number of days over the next 12 weeks and you can win a $250 giftcard.

The other part is weight loss, which is measured by the total weight lost by the end of the 12-week period. I give them a weight-loss scorecard that they can fill in and a workout scorecard where they can X out dates they’ve worked out and tally their total weight loss. 

There’s really nothing more to explain. I just thought this was a really cool concept. These are the kind of things we should be doing with our team. As a part of helping them professionally and personally, I think helping them achieve a health goal is crucial to other aspects of their lives.

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