How to Master Your Listing Pipeline


For listings, it’s more of a consultation because people are calling us. When you’re outbound dialing, it’s a sales call. You’ve got to fight them for an appointment and then you’ve got to do the seller info sheet.

Seller info sheet is step one of the process we’ll go into in a minute. We just assume the appointment. They’re calling us, that’s the perception of value and just that perceived authority that direct rate response marketing gets you. You want them to be reaching out to you. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re going to do it any differently. 

Once you say yes to the appointment, you’re still going to move them through that seller info sheet, whatever seller consult, the important questions you have to ask. We just find that we get the seller talking, find out their why, their big motivation. Because you're going to come back and circle back to that and reiterate it again.

We have Ashlynn in the office taking the first call, then we have our listing agents calling to follow up and confirm the appointment. The first thing they do is reiterate the why behind the move. So they know what they're dealing with. Some sellers are indifferent to a move which I think is ridiculous. It’s a major emotional thing you’ll go through, one of the top three. You want to know that going into it.

I think we still call ours equity evaluation but you want to call it something. It’s more in-depth, it goes deeper than most appraisal.s you want to have a big benefit for coming into an appointment. And then follow-up is critical.

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